3 Easiest Schengen Schengen Visa

3 Easiest Schengen countries to get Schengen Visa

If you are thinking of touring the Schengen area, you are not alone. Global applications fly to the embassies of Shenzhen countries every day and require analysis for documentation and travel purposes. Let’s see 3 Easiest Schengen countries to get Schengen Visa

Assuming you are already familiar with the type of Schengen visa and the required paperwork, the volatile part you have left may be a concern for the fee-paying statistics. Probably surprised by the idea of ​​where to apply and no disclaimer notice was found!

Here, as it is obviously loud and clear to you, we look – on the price list, starting with the highest percentage. With these statistics you have to broaden your horizons and make smart decisions when you are ready to apply!

Starting with the top country, you will be presented separately and gradually up to the last three countries in the Shenzhen region with the highest rate of Shenzhen visas issued in 2018.

The easiest Shenzhen countries where you can apply for a Shenzhen visa are:


Lithuania is the easiest country to get a Shenzhen visa. Only 1.3% of short-term applications in 2018 were rejected all Overall, 98.7% of applicants for a Shenzhen visa in Lithuania received a positive response to their application.Visas Applications 359,484 Visas issued 354,166 Visas Denied 4,728

Also, for the total number of short-term visa applications, Lithuania is somewhere in the table. It also means you have to wait less to make an appointment. Unlike countries like Germany and France, applicants from many countries have to make an appointment a few months before their planned Shenzhen trip.


Another Baltic country is the easiest source country based on the rejection rate of 2018. Only 1.6% of those sent to Estonian embassies abroad were rejected, while the remaining 98.4% received short-stay visas for the Shenzhen area. Visas Applications 145,711 Visas issued 143,582 Visas Denied 2,062

In addition, Estonia is the sixth country with the lowest number of visa applications, which means that embassies are less crowded.


Finland, a northern European country, is an easy Shenzhen country, despite receiving a large number of visa applications each year. If you reject only 1.7% of applications received by foreign consulates, you have a good chance of getting a Shenzhen visa for Finland. Visas Applications 895,775 Visas issued 875,356 Visas Denied 16,894

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